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Online and In-person Learning

Full-time students are expected to complete approximately 8 hours of work each day in online or in-person activities. 

While our program is very flexible, students that do not regularly log in to courses or attend in-building sessions is considered an attendance risk. Disciplinary actions may occur if the behavior continues.

The online components of The Village High School courses are available to students 24/7.  Students have the flexibility to log into their classes at a time that works best for them. 


The Village follows the Academy School District 20 calendar for start dates, end dates and holidays.  The Village's semester starts and ends on the same day as the other high schools in the district.  Although most teachers will modify their coursework for longer breaks, such as Thanksgiving or Spring Break, the online components of your courses will still be accessible.

Snow Days

The Village campus activities and in-person meetings will be cancelled by a snow day. Online components of courses are still available. In fact, a snow day is the perfect day to get your online work done.